Salvia coccinea Forest Fire

Salvia  coccinea ‘Forest Fire’: is a beautiful bright red and flowered Salvia with black calyces, 60-80cm H, flowering from Spring through to Autumn.

Salvia coccinea 'Forest Fire'
Salvia coccinea ‘Forest Fire’

Salvia coccinea ‘Forest Fire’ is often treated as an annual. but given protection from the cold, it can be grown as a perennial.

Flowers: are bright red, semi tubular with stamens exerted from the hood. The bottom lobes are all fanned out to attract passing insects. The middle lobe acts as a landing point for bees and insects. There is a small paler patch at the throat to act as a beeline to guide the bees further into the flower.

Multiple flowering stems are seen 10-15cmlong, very upright at the top of the stems, providing a magnificent display and en masse looking like a fire, especially with the dark calyces.

Flowering stems are held high above the foliage to attract passing insects.

Calyces: very dark / black calyces. Flowers are in whorls of 4-6 flowers, evenly spaced along the dark flowering stems.

When the flowers have finished, the stems of dark calyces still look attractive while they dry over the summer months.

Leaves: are a cordate shape ( heart shaped), bright green, slightly hairy with small crenations along the edges. Stems are also hairy with soft clear hairs.

Salvia coccinea ‘Forest Fire’ is a good addition to the garden, especially if grown en masse to give a wonderful display.

Plant this wonderful eye catching Salvia in the front of the bed either as in an informal border to brighten up a corner or as a contrast to other white or blue / purple coloured perennials. An easy plant to grow.

Although often grown as an annual, it can be grown as a perennial if grown in a sunny protected area with protection from the cold.

At the end of the flowering season, cut off the flower stems, neaten the shrub by taking out any dead or twiggy stems, cutting down to a good green bud to promote new growth.

Propagation: As seed is unreliable to come true, it is best to take tip cuttings from new growth for that particular coloured flower.

Very insect friendly.