Salvia atrocyanea: A tall herbaceous plant from Bolivia growing to 2mH. It loves a shady position, producing beautiful blue flowers in summer.

Salvia atrocyanea: is a very unusual and striking plant.
Flowers: are a gorgeous blue / purple colour, falcate shaped with exerted stamens, in crowded flower heads at the end of the long flowering stem. These appear in late spring / summer.
Calyces: Undulating, large fleshy green calyces make the flower head more spectacular. The bracts and calyces remain on the stem after the flower has fallen, making the flower head more appealing.
Very insect and bird friendly, including loads of bees.
Leaves: are large, a lovely fresh green, slightly hairy, broad ovate shaped with toothed margins.
Coming from Cool Rainforest areas in Bolivia, Salvia atrocyanea loves the shade or a semi shaded. It can even grow in a sunny well protected position from frost and wind.
This is a tall herbaceous plant that dies down in late autumn, becoming winter dormant and appearing once again in Spring in cold areas. In warmer locations, even in the suburbs, S. atrocyanea can remain green all year.
This tall Salvia with it’s arching branches blends well with other large pink, crimson and white flowering shrubs which also enjoy a shady position.
Salvia atrocyanea: really benefits from being mulched to keep the root area cool in the hot summer months and the crown warm during winter.
Pruning: As S. atrocyanea is herbaceous and winter dormant in cold areas, the old stems need to be cut down and cleared away. If in warmer areas, it remains green, then cut back to a good green stem, cut out any dead or twiggy growth. Mulch well for winter cold and feed well in spring when masses of new shoots appear.
Propagated: by tip cuttings taken in Spring and summer.
See propagation page for guide lines.
Not readily available.