Salvia regla

Salvia regla

Salvia regla : is our flower of the month for March.
This is a bushy deciduous shrub,  1.2-1.5-2mH with round leaves and vermillion tubular  flowers in  late summer/ autumn.
Salvia regla
Salvia regla

Salvia  regla  is a seedling found in a garden, a lovely dark crimson form of a microphylla hybrid.

Flowers: are large, tubular, vermillion colour. The hood is about the same size as the long bottom lobes. The 2 side lobes are almost as long as the narrow middle lobe. There is a huge gap between the hood and bottom lobes, plenty of room for bees, insects and small birds to  explore  further into the flower.

Only 2 to 4 flowers are  held either side of the green stem in  small bunches at the tip of the flower stem . As the flowers are big, bright and showy, they easily attract passing small birds and pollinating insects.

Calyces are the same bright vermillion colour. These have a papery feel. Lobes are ribbed and pointed. These drop off the stem  after the flower have finished, leaving an orange stem,  needing to be cut off at the end of the season.

Leaves are a bright green, small and rounded, often having a dark margin around the outside of the leaf. Small rounded crenations are easily seen around the margins.

Salvia regla is best planted in a full sun  position  either in an open area or in a mixed border. This Salvia makes a spectacular show  when in full flower.
It is a stand alone shrub that needs to shine and be noticed, especially if planted with other low shrubs, perhaps on a corner.Plant with other blue, purple, yellow and white flowered small shrubs and perennials Watch the bees and small butterflies perch on the flowers on a sunny day.

This is  a tough hardy plant for the hot dry  summer season.  As it is deciduous in cold areas, it is frost and cold hardy, but it may remain green during winter in warmer climes,tolerating light frosts. Best on well drained soils, but most soils should suit this gorgeous showy autumn Salvia very well .

When the leaves have dropped in  early winter, this is the time to check the shrub cleaning out any dead or twiggy growth. Clean up old leaves. In spring when new growth begins, feed and mulch well to keep the root area cool during the hot dry summer season.

Propagation: is  usually by  tip cuttings from new shoots during spring and summer, to be able to root before autumn.



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