Salvia 'Faye Shann'

Salvia ‘Faye Shann’

Salvia ‘Faye Shann’: A small bushy shrub 60cmH with lovely 2 tone pink flowers most of the year, for a sunny position.

Salvia 'Faye Shann'
Salvia ‘Faye Shann’

Salvia ‘Faye Shann’ is a gorgeous small bushy shrub to excite any garden bed.

Flowers: area typical microphylla type flower. Both the hood is a bright cerise colour, the 2 side lobes are a paler colour, but the middle bottom lobe is large,  a pale pink, well fanned out and slightly split, making a beautiful combination of colours.
The bottom lobe hangs down to open the throat area, which clearly shows the white beeline at the throat, allowing an insect easy access to enter the flower.

The major flowering period is spring and summer, but will continue to flower throughout autumn and winter until pruned to tidy.
Multiple flower stems are produced, with flowers  clustered around the top of  flower stems which elongate to 10-12cm, producing masses of flowers. All stems  are held above the foliage to attract passing insects.

Calyces: are green with dark blue ribs giving the impression of dark calyces. All lobes are pointed. These fall off if the flower is not pollinated, but become straw coloured if seeds have formed.

Leaves: are a bright green, large, lanceolate a typical microphylla type leaf with pointed tips, well veined and soft crenations around the margins. Most stems are green and  nicely clothed. Flower stems produce dark stems and smaller leaves towards the tip.

Salvia ‘Faye Shann’ is a very attractive small plant to have in the garden. The colours are delicate but exciting, being different from all the other 2 toned Salvias.

‘Faye Shann’ is ideal in a mixed border with other small shrubs and perennials, looking happy with other vivid blues and purples or other pale pinks, whites or dark coloured flowers.

This Salvia is tough and hardy, loving a full sun position, coping with the hot dry summers the cold winters and even light frosts. Once established, ‘Faye Shann’ should perform well during summer, but will always appreciate a bit more water given during any prolonged dry period.

If looking a bit untidy in autumn, then trim to tidy, cutting out any dead or twiggy growth. Cutting down to new growth will rejuvenate the bush, ready for a new burst of flowers.

After tidying the shrub, feed and mulch well to keep the root area warm during the cold winter months. In late winter, early spring before  buds appear, feed again and top up mulch to keep the root area cool during the hot dry summer season.

Propagation: is easy from tip cuttings taken from new growth through out the year.

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