Salvia clinopodiodes

Salvia  clinopodiodes syn ‘Michoacan’: is a tuberous, herbaceous perennial, 80cm- 1m H, with bright blue flowers for a sunny position in summer.

Salvia clinopodioides
Salvia clinopodiodes

Salvia clinopodiodes: hales from the lowlands of Mexico.

Flowers: are really interesting. The small flowers are in crowded whorls around the flowering stem, looking like globes. The hood and tube ares a pale mauve, while the extended bottom lobes is a royal blue, giving the flower a 2 tone effect, quite stunning.

Having the middle lobe extended, this acts as a landing point for bees and other pollinating insects. A small white patch appears around the throat area to guide the insect into the flower.

The complex globular whorls appear as a verticillata structure along a green hairy flowering stem.

Flowering in late spring around November, continuing through the summer till autumn.

Calyces: are green with dark purple tonings, especially at the tips, Most were slightly hairy, ribbed  with pointed tips. Dark broad bracts fall off as each flower emerges.

Leaves: are compact, broad ovate, grass green, indented veins, slightly hairy with small serrated margins.

Although Salvia clinopodioides expands by tubers, it doesn’t become a nuisance, being easily pulled out where it is not wanted. plant in a sunny protected position. Growing 80cm to 1mh this becomes a great filler under deciduous trees or to fill those odd spaces between shrubs or spilling over rocky areas.

Plant in a sunny position in the foreground or middle of the bed with other vibrant coloured small shrubs and perennials.

Although frost tender and herbaceous, it is quite hardy when established. If planted in a sunny protected area, it should do well on those cold mornings.

At the end of autumn, after the main flowering period is over and the plant is beginning to go down, the plant needs cleaning up. Cut off all old stems, clean away old leaves that could cause rotting of the crown.

Mulch well to keep the crown warm in the cold months of winter. When the new shots begin to appear, feed and remulch the area to keep the roots cool during the hot dry summer months.

Propagation: is usually by tip cuttings, but tubers or a layered piece. s can also be used for new plants.

Not often available.