Salvia 'Coral'(greggii)

Salvia greggii ‘Coral’

Salvia greggii ‘Coral’: a small compact bushy shrub 40cmH with coral orange flowers for a  sunny position.

Salvia greggii 'Coral'
Salvia greggii ‘Coral’

Salvia greggii ‘Coral’ is a nice small shrub for full sun areas.

Flowers are a bright orange coral, with a wide bottom lobe and a small white throat marking to guide the insects into the flower. These flowers are nicely grouped along a coloured flower stem. Calyces are ribbed with an olive  green/ brown colouring.
This Salvia flowers for most of the year until cut back in autumn to tidy and neaten. The flowers  will appear again with new growth.
Leaves are a typical greggii leaf. Small lineal shaped, entire edges with the midvein showing. These leaves are darker than many others, but more or less mid green. All stems are well clothed. They grow from 1 main stem.

Salvia greggii ‘Coral’ is a good small shrub for the front of the bed, in full sun. A hedge of this compact growing shrub would look beautiful, especially as it continues to flowers for most of the year.
Plant with other vibrant coloured plants such as dark purples and blues. This coral orange colour contrasts nicely with other white perennials.Bees, butterflies and other insects enjoy these flowers.

A tough, hardy plant for summer heat and winter cold, tolerating  light frosts.
Propagated easily from tip cuttings, taken at most times of the year.
Not often available

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